Darn simple cloud
Open source (Apache 2.0) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud distribution that is easy to install and easy to use.
Users – try it!
Users benefit from a more dynamic and customized computing environment, simplifying the execution of their scientific and commercial applications.
Data Centers – install it!
Resource centers deploying the software benefit from improved and simplified resource management.
StratusLab provides features for dynamic management of the typical computing resources of a IaaS cloud. But it also provides additional features to simplify image management and federation of the cloud.
Compute – fast provisioning, low-latency start-up
Storage – EBS-like persistent writes, snapshots, etc.
Network – public and private networks
Uniform, flexible system for authentication and authorization
Image Marketplace for trusting and sharing machine images
Tools for simplifying image creation
Facilities for federating StratusLab cloud infrastructures
All of this, out-of-the-box! If you need other features, let us know or modify the open source code to suit your needs.
Need a hand? Get in touch.